Illustrated History of the 28th Infantry Division (Volume II only)
Illustrated History of the 28th Infantry Division (Volume II only)
An illustrated history of the 28th Infantry Division( Volume II only). Published in 1921.
Volume I is out of stock and we are not currently able to find any more copies. Some Volume I copies may be obtainable at local book stores.
Volume II contents: 110th Infantry; 56th Infantry Brigade; 109th Machine Gun Brigade; 111th Infantry; 112th Infantry; 53rd Field Artillery; 107th Field Artillery; 108th Field Artillery; 109th Field Artillery; 103rd Field Artillery; 103rd Ammo Train; 103rd Engineers; 103rd Field Signal Brigade; 103rd Trains Headquarters and Military Police
** The 28th Infantry Division Association is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization for veterans of the 28th ID. We are dedicated to uplifting our soldiers and preserving the rich heritage of the "Iron Division." Our organization is committed to supporting educational opportunities, honoring memorials, and preserving the historical records that define the legacy of the 28th Infantry Division. All of our proceeds go to supporting our mission. Please visit us at to learn more. **